One of the misunderstandings about prostate orgasm: prostatic orgasm is the continuous contraction of the prostate.


                One of the misunderstandings about prostate orgasm: prostatic orgasm is the continuous contraction of the prostate.


Some people say that prostate orgasm refers to the continuous contraction of the prostate; if we understand prostate orgasm just like this, everyone who has experienced ejaculation has also experienced the prostate orgasm. Why? In the first stage of the two stages of ejaculation, the seminal vesicles and the prostate contract first to discharge the semen into the posterior urethra, and then the semen stimulates the urethral sphincter to start the second stage of contraction, ejaculate the semen, and complete ejaculation. It can be seen that everyone’s ejaculation process is accompanied by the continuous contraction of the prostate. However, we all have a consensus that not everyone has experienced a prostate orgasm, or those who have experienced prostate orgasm will reflect that prostate orgasm pleasure is different from the pleasure of penis generally felt. Therefore, prostate orgasm is not as simple as prostate contraction. What exactly is a prostate orgasm? We will answer it for you in other knacks.

In the process of pursuing prostate orgasm, some men simply stimulate the prostate, such as applying intense vibration to the prostate, which will cause the separate continuous contraction of prostate and discharge; however, since there is basically no prostaglandin in the prostatic fluid (note that prostaglandin is actually secreted by the seminal vesicles, which is misunderstood), the contraction of the prostate and discharge the prostatic fluid cannot cause the continuous contraction of urethral sphincter, so prostatic fluid flows out rather than ejaculate. Only when the seminal vesicles contract to discharge the seminal vesicle fluid containing prostaglandin can the urethral sphincter continue to contract due to the prostaglandin and complete ejaculation. Simple prostate contractions have a small range and small discharge (prostatic fluid only accounts for 10~30% of semen, and 60% is seminal vesicle fluid), which do not trigger large-scale muscle contractions, so many people feel upset and unsatisfied. This is not what we call a prostate orgasm. When the prostate is highly excited, sliding to stimulate the anus can trigger a wide range of euphoria, which is the real prostate orgasm. If you focus on stimulating the prostate, it will only lead to ejaculation too fast, but you will not enjoy the pleasure.



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