What is a real prostatic orgasm?

                                                                             What is a real prostatic orgasm? 

First of all, there is no authoritative scientific definition of prostate orgasm; on the contrary, just like prostaglandin, the word prostate orgasm is somewhat misunderstood. Prostaglandin is not secreted by the prostate, and prostate orgasms are not generated by the prostate, either. The pleasure nerves of anus are mainly distributed inside and outside the anal orifice and the skin around it, but not in the prostate.

The so-called prostate orgasm (we continue to use this term for the time being) refers to an intense, controllable, sustained, wide-ranging euphoria the generated by the body through synergistic stimulation of the penis, anus, perineum and the skin around them in a state of full sexual excitement (require certain warm-up, see other knacks of COMFLY®). By reasonably distributing the stimulation intensity of the front, middle and back parts, and focusing on the stimulation of the anus while supplemented by the stimulation of the penis and perineum during the orgasm period, the body can stay in a controlled orgasm plateau for a long time. Every action between the body and COMFLY® completes a stimulation, the sphincter produces a contraction similar to ejaculation, the penis, perineum and anus swell, and simultaneously produce a strong, superimposed, wide-ranging pleasure spreading throughout the body, which continues in circles.

The intensity of stimulation and pleasure in the anus is easier to control, and it’s easy to reach the orgasm plateau state of long-term excitement and pleasure; many people describe it as “a series of pleasures without ejaculate”. This process is also known as “non-sperm pleasure” or “non-sperm orgasm”.

Finally, in the ejaculation stage, at the peak where the pleasure nerves are the most active, all the stimulating sites sprint at full speed to achieve the maximum ejaculation intensity and the highest euphoric satisfaction.

Special attention should be paid not to exert too intense stimulation on the prostate alone, such as strong local vibrating stimulation on the prostate; such stimulation will quickly lead to prostate ejaculation, which is not prostate orgasm. The correct way is to slide and stimulate the region 3 cm inside and outside the anal orifice when the prostate is highly excited, so as to obtain an intense, sustained, and wide-ranging prostate orgasm.

Characteristics of prostate orgasm: extremely intense, full, sustained, multiple pleasures superimposed, wide-ranging and radiating across the body, extremely enjoyable euphoria, eagerly hoping this state to continue, strong feeling of pleasure and psychological satisfaction, involuntarily moaning or even yelling, involuntarily trembling or bending over, with each stimulation, the pleasure comes one after another, the muscles and penis in the sensitive sites also swell, which continues in circles. Such a state is easy to control and sustain, and can last for tens of minutes or even hours.

Prostate orgasm is not an instant, but a process.


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