How do you know if you’ve entered an orgasm plateau?


                      How do you know if you’ve entered an orgasm plateau?
     What are the characteristics of an orgasm plateau?

Under the premise of continuous stimulation without ejaculation, the pleasure nerves can be fully activated more than ten minutes after the pleasure occurs. At this time, every time the body moves, and every time the massage modules of COMFLY slide on, rub and press the body, the body will feel pleasure, including the pleasure of penis and prostate gland, accompanied by a contraction of the smooth muscle and an unconscious swelling of the penis and anus. As this process is repeated continuously, it means that the body has entered an orgasm plateau. At this time, each pleasure is a contraction of the sphincter in the second stage of ejaculation, so there will be a pleasure similar to that in the ejaculation stage; however, since the glands do not contract or secrete fluid, ejaculation will not be triggered. This process is also known as “no sperm pleasure” or “no sperm orgasm”. At this time, the pleasure of anus is also known as “prostate pleasure” or “prostate orgasm”. As long as the intensity of each stimulation is controlled, and glandular ejaculation is not triggered, the body can maintain a state of non-ejaculation, and the pleasures will come successively with body movement. If controlled well, this process can last up to 3~4 hours.


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