Why do I feel nothing when I use COMFLY’s all-inclusive massager? What can I do?

                                Why do I feel nothing when I use COMFLY’s all-inclusive massager? What can I do?

There are several reasons for this, see which case you are: 

a)  It’s normal that you feel nothing the first time you use COMFLY® or Fly® massager, just like many of your “firsts”. For this new species, you need a process of understanding and familiarizing with it. COMFLY develops a new world of pleasure that you’ve never had before, so your body also needs a process of exploring. In addition, COMFLY aims to achieve the harmony between men and machines, and the cooperation between you and COMFLY massager also requires a running-in process. Generally speaking, users of COMFLY can fully enjoy the all-inclusive pleasure state after exploring for 3~5 times, and later they can do as they please, play boldly and fully enjoy it.


b)  It’s normal to feel nothing at the beginning of each use. At this stage, the pleasure nerves are not fully activated, and there is no pleasure in the anus or penis. At this time, you need to intensify the stimulation and enhance the sexual excitement of the whole body, so that the pleasure will be gradually generated, and you start to feel like ejaculating. At this point, reduce the stimulation intensity, but still maintain sustained stimulation, let the body maintain this state for a few minutes, so that the pleasure nerves can complete the warm-up. After this, the pleasure will constantly spring up; every time you move, there will be a pleasure; as the intensity of pleasure continues to accumulate and rise, it gradually triggers the prostate orgasm, where you can fully enjoy the orgasm plateau. Like normal sex life, it requires a process to stimulate the pleasure, and it’s not accomplished in an action. If the penis doesn’t have pleasure, neither does the anus.


C)  Physical reasons: If you play too frequently, the pleasure will be attenuated, and you need to rest for a few days, so that the pleasure nerve will gradually recover; if you have sexual dysfunction, and cannot erect penis normally, it will be difficult to have a pleasure, which can be solved with drugs such as Viagra under the guidance of a doctor; sensitive constitutions will lead to too fast ejaculation and premature ejaculation, the body’s pleasure nerves cannot be fully activated, and the warm-up is over before it’s completed. The all-inclusive pleasure wonderland needs to be activated through penis, which drives all the pleasure nerves in the front, middle and back to a highly excited state and lasts at least ten minutes, so that the body can enter the orgasm plateau, the prostate orgasm can be gradually stimulated, and you can enjoy a wonderland of complete all-inclusive pleasure; in case of premature ejaculation, you will not reach the orgasm plateau.

Other reasons for feeling nothing: the appliance is not installed and used properly. Check whether each part is installed and adjusted in place and whether the matching position with the body is correct according to the manual and explanation video; without enough lubricant, the massager cannot produce relative sliding with the body, so it cannot produce effective sliding stimulation; all the contact parts between the appliance and the body should be smeared with enough lubricant, the smoother, the more comfortable;


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