Why can’t I have prostate orgasm after using so many prostate massagers?


Why can’t I have prostate orgasm after using so many prostate massagers?


The fluid ejection or ejaculation caused by the intense vibrating stimulation of the prostate with a prostate massager is not a prostate orgasm, which does not conform to the characteristics of prostate orgasm.

Prostate orgasm is triggered gradually, rather than all of a sudden. At the beginning, it’s sexual excitement, and gradually prostate pleasure begins to appear; with continuous stimulation, the intensity of prostate pleasure gradually increases, and it enters the state of prostate orgasm after the prostate pleasure reaches a certain height and time; don’t act in haste in this process, but slowly accumulate. It is an intense, sustained, wide-ranging, unparalleled euphoria that radiates the whole body one after another. After entering the prostate orgasm state, it can last for a long time if controlled well, up to more than 4 hours. The prostate orgasm state does not appear suddenly, but after the pleasure has accumulated to a certain degree, which takes some time.

Characteristics of prostate orgasm: extremely intense, full, sustained, multiple pleasures superimposed, wide-ranging and radiating across the body, extremely enjoyable euphoria, eagerly hoping this state to continue, strong feeling of pleasure and psychological satisfaction, involuntarily moaning or even yelling, involuntarily trembling or bending over, with each stimulation, the pleasure comes one after another, the muscles and penis in the sensitive sites also swell, which continues in circles. Such a state is easy to control and sustain, and can last for tens of minutes or even hours.

Think about how many of the above three conditions you’ve met. After understanding the conditions and states for triggering prostate orgasm, let’s look at the question “Why can’t I have prostate orgasm after using so many prostate massagers?”, you may already have the answer.

Most people cannot get prostate orgasm simply by using a prostate massager in most cases. This is an experience shared by many; the reason is that as mentioned above, if only one or two conditions are met, it’s impossible to get prostate orgasm, and all the three conditions must be met at the same time. If the method is wrong, it’s impossible to get prostate orgasm, and at most there will be some pleasure.

When we use a prostate massager, our attention is objectively distracted since we focus on the prostate massager and the actions behind it, and we’re misled by some articles that we can’t touch the penis at this time, so it’s difficult for us to maintain a state of high sexual excitement. If your penis doesn’t even erect, which is the basic sexual excitement state, it’s impossible to get a prostate orgasm. If the basic condition 1 is not met, there is no intense sexual excitement or basic pleasure, and your other work is useless and wasted.

In addition, many prostate massagers rely solely on vibration, which is also not feasible. It’s necessary to mainly slide to stimulate the region 3 cm inside and outside the anus, and the vibration can only play an auxiliary role; too intense vibration will prematurely trigger prostate fluid ejection and end it, leaving the prostate orgasm unfinished.

The reason for not being able to get prostate orgasm is very simple, that is, most people do not understand the principle of prostate orgasm, nor do they know the correct method to get a prostate orgasm, and there are no appropriate appliances. After understanding the principle of prostate orgasm, with the correct appliance (such as COMFLY) and method (COMFLY’s knacks), you can get the prostate orgasm after exploring for some times; after you get the hang of it, you can basically get a prostate orgasm every time you use the appliance.


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