Why is COMFLY designed as wearable?


Why is COMFLY designed as wearable?


COMFLY male massager is designed as wearable, not for pursuing fashion or do something unconventional, but for its inherent reason.

Let’s talk about the first condition first. It’s difficult for men to maintain a state of high sexual excitement when masturbating with an appliance, especially when stimulating the anus with a manual prostate massager, which is easy to distract energy and decrease the sexual excitement, so it is necessary to maintain proper stimulation of penis while stimulating the anus. Stimulating the front and back together is extremely difficult for general manual operations. The wearable design solves this problem perfectly; the front and back work in unison, and liberate the hands; the movements are simple and easy, and the ratio of front and back stimulation intensity can be easily adjusted and controlled to ensure a sufficient degree of pleasure without premature ejaculation.

Let’s talk about the second condition. It’s very difficult to stimulate the anus by hand, let alone stimulate for a long time. The vibrating massager only vibrates and does not slide, which is of poor effect. The wearable solves this problem perfectly, which only needs a slight movement of the hip joint to stimulate the anus, without fatigue for a long time; it also liberates the hands and feet, and stimulate continuously.

Finally, let’s talk about the third condition. Since prostate orgasm is gradually triggered through a long time of continuous stimulation, it cannot be done by hand, which is too tiring! The wearable can achieve a stimulating effect with a slight movement of the hip joint, and it will not be fatigued for a long time. More importantly, once a prostate orgasm is triggered, everyone hopes it to last forever and enjoy it for a long time; if it is well controlled, it can last up to more than 4 hours; if your hands are exhausted at this time, it would be too disappointing. The wearable can easily meet your requirements without getting tired, so that you can focus all your energy on the wonderland experience. During such a long time of enjoyment, you may want to drink water, eat something, do something, etc., and the wearable allows you to move your hands and feet freely, to do whatever you want, so that you can experience the pleasure and enjoyment everywhere.

At this point, you should have understood the intentions of COMFLY. It is completely innovatively designed around the characteristics of prostate orgasm enjoyment, which is unique and distinctive; that is why it has obtained many international patents. Maybe men who have used it and enjoyed the prostate orgasm can really realize that the wearable is the best choice for the prostate orgasm enjoyment.


Patent certificate
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