The fifth misunderstanding about prostatic orgasm: massaging the prostate with a prostate massager can produce pleasure.

      The fifth misunderstanding about prostatic orgasm: massaging the prostate with a prostate massager can produce pleasure.

First of all, we need to understand that the pleasure nerves are mainly distributed on the skin surface, not in the internal glands, which are easier to touch and stimulate. This is the result of natural evolution. If there were untouchable pleasure nerves in the body, they would have degenerated and disappeared. Only the pleasure nerves distributed on the surface can be felt by us and preserved in evolution. Therefore, there is no need to think about stimulation inside the body, as the pleasure nerves are on the surface.

The prostate massager is not invented for generate pleasure, but for the adjuvant treatment of prostate diseases. It’s just that all prostate massagers have to enter through the anus, which means that the anus is indirectly stimulated in the process of stimulating the prostate. As we’ve mentioned in other knacks, the pleasure nerves of the anus are located near the anus, not near the prostate. Therefore, in the process of stimulating the prostate, we actually indirectly stimulate the pleasure nerves of the anus. At this time, if certain specific conditions are met, such as in the state of full sexual excitement, the pleasure nerves of anus are fully activated; if the size and shape of the massager is suitable, and it’s operated properly, etc., stimulation such as friction, contraction and expansion, pressing, and vibration, etc.

of the anus will generate pleasure. However, most people will mistake it for a prostate-stimulating effect. In fact, at this time, our pleasure comes from the pleasure nerves at the anus orifice, not the prostate. The pleasure at this time is a by-product of stimulating the prostate, which hits the mark by a fluke.

For the above reasons, we experience prostate orgasms when the conditions happen to be met, but more often it’s not so coincidental. When operating under the premise of misunderstanding, our understanding, methods, and tools all have problems; therefore, in most cases, we cannot experience prostate orgasm, which makes prostate orgasm mysterious and unfathomable, and even many people think that prostate orgasm is just a legend cooked up by some people.

In fact, prostate orgasm is on the surface of your body, and everyone can easily experience it, with a premise of understanding it correctly, with correct tools and correct methods.

Summary: Do not exert too intense stimulation on
the prostate alone, such as strong local vibrating stimulation on the prostate; such stimulation will quickly lead to prostate ejaculation, which is not prostate orgasm. The correct way is to slide and stimulate the region 3 cm inside and outside the anal orifice when the prostate is highly excited, so as to obtain an intense, sustained, and wide-ranging prostate orgasm.


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