Why do you have a prostate orgasm without insertion?


Why do you have a prostate orgasm without insertion?


It’s traditionally thought that you have to stimulate the prostate gland to get a prostate orgasm, which mistakes the direction. It is no wonder that so many people can’t experience the prostate orgasm.

There is a misunderstanding of prostate pleasure that the anus must be inserted to stimulate the prostate and get a prostate pleasure. In fact, the pleasure nerves related to the prostate are distributed 3 cm inside and outside the anus, not in the prostate. Therefore, to obtain prostate pleasure or prostate orgasm, you just need to stimulate the anus properly, instead of stimulating the prostate, which is more direct, simple and more effective. If the anus is properly stimulated while the prostate is stimulated (actually a side effect), maybe you happen to reach a prostate orgasm; but simply stimulating the prostate without stimulating the anus properly will trigger prostate ejaculation only, without much pleasure. When the prostate is excited, the skin of the anal orifice must be stimulated to have an intense pleasure, which is the real prostate orgasm experience.

When men have sexual excitement, the penis erects, and pleasure is generated by stimulating the penis; at the orgasm, the seminal vesicles and prostate contract and ejaculate. In this process, the pleasure is not generated in the seminal vesicles or prostate, which just contract and push out the semen during the final ejaculation. Pleasure nerves are actually distributed on the body surface, such as the surface of the penis, the anal orifice and the perianal region, as well as the skin around the perineum and the thigh rot, etc., and stimulating the skin of these sites in a state of sexual excitement will generate pleasure. Therefore, the so-called prostate pleasure does not come directly from the prostate, but from the anus. God designed human beings with consideration; if the pleasure is hidden inside, how can we enjoy it? In a word, the prostate pleasure comes from the anus; once you take care of it, you will get high! Once you take care of the penis, anus, and perineum, you will “tread on air”!

As long as the anus is stimulated properly, you can enjoy the prostate orgasm without inserting.



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