Why can you get pleasure without insertion in the anus?


Why can you get pleasure without insertion in the anus?


First, find out where the source of pleasure is. Seminal vesicle and prostate are the two main glands related to orgasm and ejaculation, but they are not the source of pleasure, which just secrete semen and participate in the final ejaculation. So where is the pleasure from? It’s from the pleasure nerve.

We’re all familiar with the penis, most of whose pleasure nerves are distributed on the skin surface skin within 3 cm around the glans as a liquid outlet. That is to say, if you want to get the pleasure of penis, you need to rub and stimulate the glans. The pleasure nerves of the anus are mainly distributed on the skin surface within 3 cm inside and outside the anus as a solid outlet. Stimulating this area can get a strong pleasure of the anus. There are pleasure nerves in the front and rear excretory openings. How amazing!

With a well-designed shape of the anus massage head, the pleasure nerves near the anus can be stimulated without insertion, and the anus pleasure and even the anus (prostate) orgasm can be obtained. Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, the body must be in a state of sexual excitement, whose most direct manifestation is that the penis gets pleasure when stimulated; the lack of this condition is reason why many people blindly use the prostate massager but fail to experience the pleasure of the anus (prostate). The front and rear synergistic stimulation is the trick and shortcut to stimulate the pleasure of anus and even the prostate orgasm.

What about the prostate? The prostate, like the seminal vesicle, is not the main source of pleasure because the pleasure nerves are not there. Prostate pleasure does not come from the prostate, but from the pleasure nerves in the anus and regions around the prostate.

What is the difference between inserting in and not inserting in the anus? Without insertion, you can experience the pleasure of anus and even the prostate orgasm, the stimulation intensity of which is moderate and easy to control, and you can maintain at the orgasm plateau for a long time; it’s suitable for beginners and intermediate players who just begin to explore the anus or straight men who do not accept insertion psychologically. If inserted, the stimulation area will be larger and the stimulation will be intenser, and it’s easier for the anus to reach a prostate orgasm, but sometimes when the stimulation is too intense, it’s not easy to control, which easily loses control and fail to fully enjoy it. It’s suitable for skilled intermediate and senior players with strong body and appliance control.



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